Eileen Fisher Company Analysis
My group (Macy Stephenson, Matthew Malsbury, Cathrine Chen, Britney Castellanos) and I were asked to research Eileen Fisher and provide an analysis of the company. Our thorough and primary research found that the company was not as transparent as they came across.
Context: My group and I equally broke up the work that was asked of us on our rubric. We then came together as a group to complete the slide deck. Macy Stephenson was able to have an interview with Eileen Fisher’s Vice President, Amy Hall. I reached out to Beth Grizel, Head of Quality control. However, I did not receive a response.
Role: I was personally responsible for finding their compliance, inspection processes, vendor agreements, manufacturing transparency, quality control practices, plans for future sourcing, how new technology would be implemented, and COVID-19 impacts. This information would seem easy to find based on Eileen Fisher’s self-stated transparency. However, I could not find information about vendor agreements, an updated list of their manufacturing plants, and their quality control practices anywhere online. So reaching out to Beth Grizel, head of quality control, was my best option. Nonetheless, she did not respond, so at that point, I had exhausted my options and came to terms that I would not be able to find this information. In the end, I made my own assumption that the company was not providing this information for a reason. Although, I did not speculate as to why not.